1. How do I schedule an appointment for mediation? 

    Answer: To schedule an appointment please call my office at 319-535-0253.  If I am not able to answer the phone please leave a message with your name, phone number, and a good time to return your call. 


  2. How much does mediation cost at Whiteley Law and Mediation Services? 

    Answer: The cost of a minimum one-hour (1-hour) mediation appointment is $100.00 per participant ($200.00 total for one (1) hour).  If you choose to schedule for more than one (1) hour then the rate is $100.00 per hour per participant ($200.00 total per hour). 


  3. What information do I need to schedule my appointment? 

    Answer: I will need to know your name, address, phone numbers (home, work cell), your attorney's name, your attorney's phone and fax numbers, the county in which the case has been filed, the case number (located in the upper right section of your legal documents usually beginning with CDDM, DRCV, LA, or EQ followed by some numbers), and if you plan for your attorney to attend. 


  4. Can I schedule mediation for both sides? 

    Answer:  Yes.  You will need to have the other party's information, and you will also need to have the other party call into my office and confirm that you have permission to schedule for both.


  5. Can we go longer than our scheduled appointment? 

    Answer: If there is not another appointment scheduled following your appointment then you may go longer.  The additional time must be paid in full at the end of the mediation session and will be charged at the rate of $100.00 per hour per participant ($200.00 total per hour). 


  6. How long do I need to schedule to satisfy the Court ordered mediation? 

    Answer: Whiteley Law and Mediation Services one-hour (1-hour) minimum appointment includes the explanatory time to satisfy the court order requiring mediation.  For mediation to be as effective as possible we schedule appointments for a minimum of one (1) hour. 


  7. What happens if I cancel my mediation appointment? 

    Answer: If you must cancel your appointment, cancellation must be made at least 48 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment or you each will forfeit your half of the total mediation fee. 


  8. What should I bring with me to mediation? 

    Answer: Bring with you documents, legal pleadings, calculations, prior agreements, drawings, photographs, appraisals, etc. that would be helpful to illustrate your position. 


  9. Can my attorney attend mediation with me? 

    Answer: Yes, but it is not necessary.  If you do choose to have your attorney accompany you to mediation, please contact your attorney and they will advise you in this matter.  If your attorney will be accompanying you, please let me know. 


  10. Does the mediator take sides in the dispute? 

    Answer: No.  The mediator is a neutral facilitator.  The mediator provides a non-adversarial environment for the participants to work together with the mediator to explore alternative ideas and ways to reach agreement. 


  11. Can mediation involve more than two (2) parties? 

    Answer: Yes, but it is better to limit those attending to those directly involved and not spectators or support people.  Please advise me if you desire to have someone other than your attorney attend the mediation with you. 


  12. What is joint custody, joint physical care, legal custody, physical care, post-secondary education, and child support? 

    Answer: Please click the link to see the definitions as written in the Iowa Code Section 598.1

Note: Answers to frequently asked questions are not intended to be legal counsel or legal advice.  Always contact your own attorney for legal advice and counsel in how this information applies to your case. 


Whiteley Law and Mediation Services, 222 3rd Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401